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Fig. 1 | Molecular Cytogenetics

Fig. 1

From: A novel approach for direct detection of the IGH::CRLF2 gene fusion by fluorescent in situ hybridization

Fig. 1

Serial FISH studies performed with CRLF2-BA and IGH-BA probes, which are schematically represented in inserts. A and C: FISH performed with the CRLF2-BA probe. Almost all cells display the separation of one pair of red/green signals, which is the hallmark of the presence of a CRLF2 rearrangement. However, in A there are two cells and in C one cell showing non-separated signals (NSS), suggesting they lack a CRLF2 rearrangement. B and D: FISH performed by mixing both the CRLF2-BA and IGH-BA probes. Comparisons of A vs. B and C vs. D allowed us to observe that the separated proximal red signal of CRLF2, in A and C, appears connected with the separated distal green signal of IGH in B and D; whereas, the separated distal green signals of CRLF2 observed in A and C appear, in images B and D, connected with the separated proximal red signal of IGH. Remarkably, the red/green NSS, observed in two cells in A, remained unchanged in B, appearing two new pairs of connected red/green signals ─which correspond to the two normal copies of IGH—meaning that they are cells without the IGH::CRLF2 fusion (CWF). NSS Non-separated signals; CWF Cells without the IGH::CRLF2 fusion; NIC Non-informative cell

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