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Fig. 2 | Molecular Cytogenetics

Fig. 2

From: Chromosomal microarray analysis in the genetic evaluation of 279 patients with syndromic obesity

Fig. 2

The heat map constructed from the P-values for the Chi-square statistic test between pairs of phenotypes observed in patients with PCNVs against those without PCNVs is shown at the top, where P-values < 0.05 are represented by small darker gray or black squares and larger values by light gray squares (white squares indicate null values or the absence of association between a given pair of phenotype). Graphical representation of the phenotype network generated using Cytoscape is shown at the bottom, where phenotypes (nodes) are interconnected (edges) if they had significant associations for PCNVs at P < 0.05. The resulting network has 10 interconnected phenotypes and 8 not connected phenotype variables. Red nodes and edges highlight the most highly connected phenotypes and their interactions in the network

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