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Table 5 Somatic mosaicism for non centromeric rearrangementin asymptomatic carriers, fortitous findings

From: Somatic/gonadal mosaicism for structural autosomal rearrangements: female predominance among carriers of gonadal mosaicism for unbalanced rearrangements



Age at ascertainment

Proportion of abnormal cell line(s)

Indication for testing

Balanced rearrangements

Kleszkowska et al., 1990 [21] (case 1)


27 yr

50% BL

fortitous finding

Schmid, Hatfield, 1962 [106]

46,XX/46,XX, tan(2;13,14,or15)(p11.2; q26,32,or34)

86 yr

25% BL

a child and a grandchild with a different Rea

Leegte et al., 1998 [83]

46,XX/46,XX, t(3;7)(q26.2;p14)

64 yo

40 % BL

46,XY son with two stillborn children

de Pina Neto, Ferrari, 1980 [107]

46,XX/46,XX,t(3;20) de novo

6 yr

54% BL

a sibs with a different maternal Rea

Couzin et al., 1987 [108]



8% BL

a child with trisomy 21

Kleszkowska et al., 1990 [21] (case 3)


24 yr

60% BL

trilogy of Fallot, 46,XY child with tetralogy Fallot


2 males 4 females
