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Fig. 1 | Molecular Cytogenetics

Fig. 1

From: Thoughts about SLC16A2, TSIX and XIST gene like sites in the human genome and a potential role in cellular chromosome counting

Fig. 1

The two mayor players of X-chromosome inactivation. The localization of X-inactivation center (XIC) on human and murine X- chromosome ideogram is highlighted in red on the depiction of the corresponding entire X-chromosomes. The highlighted XIC-containing region of human (Xq13.2) and murine X-chromosome (XqD) is enlarged and depicted below the corresponding ideograms. XIST/Xist region is again highlighted for this magnification in red and shown together with other transcripts of this region. XIST/Xist encodes a nontranslated nuclear RNA which spreads along the X-chromosome and initiates silencing. TSIX/Tsix (highlighted in green) creates an antisense RNA spanning all of XIST/Xist region enabling prevention of XIST/Xist RNA spreading on future Xa (active X-chromosome)

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