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Table 2 Clinical features of mosaic UPD(7) mat cases

From: Mosaic UPD(7q)mat in a patient with silver Russell syndrome


Miozzo et al.

Bilimoria et al.

Elisabeth et al.

Reboul et al.

Tomoko et al.

Our patient

Mosaicism UPD type

Mixture of i7 andT7

Mixture of i7 and T7

Mixture of het 7 and T7

Mosaic segmental UPD7(q21-qter)

Mixture of i7 and N7

Mosaic UPD7(q11-qter)

Evaluation analysis

Microsatellite Metaphase FISH karyotyping

Microsatellite, karyotyping

Microsatellite, FISH

microsatellite analysis

microsatellite karyotype methylation

SNP array microsatellite


Peripheral blood placental cotyledons

AF: ~ 27%a

AF: ~ 44% Intestine: 15% Skin: metaphases (5.5%) = nuclei (4%)

Peripheral blood

Peripheral blood: 92% Salivary:91%

Peripheral blood: ~ 80%

Major Clinical findings

IUGR, low birth weight, PNGR, relative macrocephaly, triangular face, prominent forehead, asymmetry

SGA, low-set ears, prominent forehead, small chin, triangular face, micrognathia, reversed epicanthal folds, clinodactyly of fifth finger bilaterally

Prominent large forehead, low osterior-rotated ears, small and retruded chin, bilateral clinodactyly of fifth fingers, VSD, PNGR, relative macrocephaly, feeding difficulties, triangular-shaped face, BAD

Growth failure, SGA, low birth weight, not show any craniofacial dysmorphic features.

Low birth weight/length, VSD, hydronephrosis, Feeding difficulty, speech delay, short stature, relative macrocephaly, abnormal teeth, 5th finger clinodactyly

Short stature triangular face, moderate protruding forehead, relative macrocephaly, fifth toe buckling and irregularly teeth.

  1. AF amniotic fluid, IUGR intrauterine growth retardation, PNGR post-natal growth retardation, SGA small for gestational age, VSD ventricular septal defect, BAD bone age delayed
  2. athe percentage in table stand for the mosaicism level