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Table 1 Clinical data relevant to the clinical history of the cohort

From: MLPA analysis in a cohort of patients with autism

Personal history: pre and perinatal

 Parturition type

 Gestational age

 Apgar index

 Somatometry birth (weight/height/head circumference)

Personal history: Acquisition of neurodevelopment

 Walking age

 First words

 First sentences

 Global developmental quotient (GDQ) - Griffiths scale (between 2 and 6 years of age)

 Global intelligence quotient (GIQ) - WISC-III (between 6 and 16 years of age)

Pathological personal history

 Visual or auditory deficits

 Epilepsy (two or more critical episodes in apyrexia)

Family history

Physical exam

 Dysmorphisms and signs of neurocutaneous syndromes

 Collection of anthropometric measurements (actual growing)

 Classical neurologic exam