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Figure 2 | Molecular Cytogenetics

Figure 2

From: Molecular-cytogenetic analysis of Aegilops triuncialis and identification of its chromosomes in the background of wheat

Figure 2

FISH and GISH patterns of Ae. triuncialis , Ae. cylindrica and F 1 hybrids derived from wheat and Ae. triuncialis crosses. A: FISH signals from oligonucleotide probes pAS1-1 (FAM 5′ labeled), pSc119.2-1 (Tamra labelled) on the Ae. triuncialis (accession S197); B: Re-probing on the same preparation using Ae. markgrafii genomic DNA (red signals) and pTa71 clone (green signals); C: FISH signals from oligonucleotide probes pSc119.2-1 (FAM 5′ labeled), pTa535-1 (Tamra labelled) and (CTT)10 (Cy3 labelled) on the Ae. cylindrica ecotype. Just signals of (CTT)10 (mainly on Cc chromosomes) and pSc119.2-1 are presented in this picture. Using Texas Red filter, pTa535-1 signal was observed and identified Dc chromosomes which are presented in Figure 1; D: Re-probing on the same preparation using Ae. markgrafii genomic DNA (red signals) and pTa71 clone (green signals) which shows unbalanced translocation on chromosome pair 1D and 3C. The translocation on 3C is heterologous; E: FISH pattern of repetitive oligonucleotide probes pSc119.2-1 (FAM 5′ labelled), pTa535-1 (Tamra labelled) on mitotic metaphase chromosomes of a derived F1 hybrid T. aestivum cv ‘Zarin’- Ae. triuncialis (accession S101); F: FISH pattern of repetitive oligonucleotide probes pSc119.2-1 (FAM 5′ labelled) and (CTT)10 (Cy3 labelled) on mitotic metaphase chromosomes of a derived F1 hybrid T. aestivum cv ‘Pishgam’- Ae. triuncialis (accession S101). Bar = 10 μm.

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